LOOK! In the sky! Flying Naked Women!

Now that I've got your attention, full disclosure, There isn't a single flying naked woman in this entire post.  I realize I gained a lot of attention from the title and lost probably as many with that first sentence.  Such is the shortened attention span of the digital. 

No matter!  I hope you will settle for the teeth grinding, monsoon engulfed, face melting images from the wettest outdoor excursion I've faced since being in the Airborne Infantry.

Voodoo Fest is a fantastic outdoor festival held in New Orleans, LA every year during all Hallow's Eve.  That's Halloween to you and me folks.  As luck would have it three of my top ten all time favorite bands/performers were on hand this year.  And with that no quit, all go mentality aiding my luck I secured a few vendor passes so that I could capture said favorites with my camera.  Folks, let me tell you that one lesson that I've learned in my short time on this earth is that luck counts for shit and that the universe doesn't care about your plans.

With that being said, of the three bands I was itching to see and photograph, Frank Turner and the Sleeping Souls got food poisoning and cancelled. Clutch started playing the second a torrential downpour beat the hell out of me and the rest of the faithful voodoo attendees.  Jane's Addiction followed and they went off without a hitch.  My camera on the other hand had suffered substantial water damage so I was limited to the amount of quality images I could get from them.

However I must say it was one of the all time greatest moments of my life photographing Clutch in the rain and watching half naked girls suspended above Jane's Addiction.  Not to mention a few moments watching Ozzy with guest guitarist Tom Morello(who I actually met a few days earlier). Working camera or not.  Despite the shenanigans. I got some kick ass images of some of the greatest rock bands around. Find the positive.  Enjoy the photos.  

